Sunday, March 30, 2008

SC's Question number - 771 , 772

771). The labor agreement permits staff reductions through attrition with increased pension benefits and a special early-retirement program for speeding it up.

(A) attrition with increased pension benefits and a special early-retirement program for speeding it up

(B) attrition and provides increased pension benefits and a special early-retirement program to speed the attrition process

(C) attrition, which will be speeded up by providing increased pension benefits and a special early-retirement program

(D) attrition, which, by their providing increased pension benefits and a special early-retirement program, will speed the process

(E) attrition, which provides increased pension benefits and a special early-retirement program for speeding the attrition process

The lack of complete historical records from the mid-to-late 1800’s have made some Black inventions difficult to trace to their originators.

(A) have made some Black inventions difficult to trace to their originators

(B) have made for difficulties in tracing some inventions by Blacks to their originators

(C) have made it difficult to trace some inventions by Blacks to their originators

(D) has made it difficult to trace some inventions to their Black originators

(E) has made it difficult in tracing some Black inventions to their originators


771). OA - B

A - incorrect - ambiguous it

C - incorrect - passive

D - incorrect - passive, pronoun error - ...labor agreement ....their

D, E - incorrect - wrongly says
attrition provides the increase pension benefits

772). OA - D

A, B, C - incorrect - The lack (singular).....have(plural)...

E - incorrect - Black inventions

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