Sunday, November 02, 2008

SC's Question number - 671 , 672

671). State officials report that soaring rates of liability insurance have risen to force cutbacks in the operations of everything from local governments and school districts to day-care centers and recreational facilities.

(A) rates of liability insurance have risen to force

(B) rates of liability insurance are a force for

(C) rates for liability insurance are forcing

(D) rises in liability insurance rates are forcing

(E) liability insurance rates have risen to force

672). Stars like the sun can continue to shine steadily for billions of years because its light and heat are produced by nuclear fusion, in which titanic releases of energy result in the loss of only tiny amounts of mass.

(A) its light and heat are produced by nuclear fusion, in which

(B) nuclear fusion produces its light and heat, in which

(C) nuclear fusion produces their light and heat, where

(D) its light and heat are produced by nuclear fusion, where

(E) their light and heat are produced by nuclear fusion, in which


671). OA - C - idiomatic - rates for

A, D, E - incorrect - redundancy error - ...soaring....have risen/ rises...

B - incorrect - unidiomatic - .... soaring rates of liability insurance...

672). OA - E

A, B, D - incorrect - pronoun error - Stars(plural)....its(singular)...

C - incorrect - antecedent of where is not clear/ absent

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