Monday, February 05, 2007

SC's Question number - 979, 980

979). The failing of the book lies not in a lack of attention to scientific detail but in the depiction of scenes of life and death in the marine world with emotional overtones that reduce the credibility of the work.

(A) the depiction of scenes of life and death in the marine world with emotional overtones that

(B) fact that it depicts marine world scenes of life and death as having emotional overtones that

(C) depiction of scenes of life and death in the marine world, whose emotional overtones

(D) depiction of marine world scenes of life and death, which have emotional overtones and thus

(E) fact that if depicts scenes of life and death in the marine world, whose emotional overtones

980). The Immigration Service now has the discretionary power to keep families united even though all their members do not meet the five-year residency requirement.

(A) all their members do not meet the five-year residency requirement

(B) not all their members meet the five-year residency requirement

(C) all their members have not met the requirement for a five-year residency

(D) not all their members have resided for five years, a requirement

(E) all their members have not resided for five years, as required

Answers --

979). A is the best choice

B, E - incorrect - fact is incorrect as this is only an opinion.

D - incorrect - wrongly suggests that life and death have overtones

C - incorrect - unidiomatic - "depict X with Y" - correct idiom

"depict X with Y" - is used to show more of the way in which the depiction is made

980). B is the best choice.

D, E - incorrect - the "five-year residency requirement" as an adjective does not need an "s" at the end of "five-year".

"s" right in case "five years" was the subject or object of the sentence.

A - incorrect - "X can have discretionary power even though not all members meet some conditions" - instead of not all should be some

C - incorrect - wrong tense - simple present tense is right

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