Tuesday, November 06, 2007

SC's Question number - 843 , 844

843). The use of chemical pesticides in this country is equally extensive or more so than ten years ago.

(A) equally extensive or more so than ten years ago

(B) equal to or more extensive than ten years ago

(C) as extensive as ten years ago or more

(D) equal to, if not more, than ten years ago

(E) as extensive as it was ten years ago, if not more so

844). The use of gravity waves, which do not interact with matter in the way electromagnetic waves do, hopefully will enable astronomers to study the actual formation of black holes and neutron stars.

(A) in the way electromagnetic waves do, hopefully will enable

(B) in the way electromagnetic waves do, will, it is hoped, enable

(C) like electromagnetic waves, hopefully will enable

(D) like electromagnetic waves, would enable, hopefully

such as electromagnetic waves do, will, it is hoped, enable


843). OA - E

A, B, C, D - incorrect - comparing extensive use to ten years

844). OA - B

A - incorrect - use of hopefully wrong

C, D - incorrect - wrong comparison - comparing interaction of gravity waves with electromagnetic waves

E - incorrect - use of such as is wrong. Also wrong comparison

Note: Use of the word hopefully is always wrong on GMAT.
Hopefully is an adverb meaning "in a hopeful way" and can only modify another adverb, verb or adjective. When we want to express a statement about what is desired, "it is hoped" is always better usage than "hopefully"

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