Tuesday, November 06, 2007

SC's Question number - 849 , 850

849). The Western world's love affair with chocolate is well-documented: few people have been known to have tasted it for the first time without requesting more.

(A) few people have been known to have tasted it

(B) few having been known to taste it

(C) it has been tasted by few people

(D) few people have been known to taste it

(E) few people having tasted it

850). The winds that howl across the Great Plains not only blow away valuable topsoil, thereby reducing the potential crop yield of a tract of land, and also damage or destroy young plants.

(A) and also damage or destroy

(B) as well as damaging or destroying

(C) but they cause damage or destroy

(D) but also cause damage or destroy

(E) but also causing damage or destroying


849). OA - D

A - incorrect - use of present perfect tense is wrong

B - incorrect - few incorrectly referring to chocolate

C - incorrect - passive

E - incorrect - 2nd clause is missing the verb

850). OA - D - correct - maintaining parallelism not only blow ...but also cause.

A, B, C - incorrect - violating parallelism - not only...but also...

E - incorrect - violating parallelism - not only blow....but also causing

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