Thursday, April 24, 2008

SC's Question number - 731 , 732

731). The direction in which the Earth and the other solid planets—Mercury, Venus, and Mars—spins were determined from collisions with giant celestial bodies in the early history of the Solar System.

(A) spins were determined from

(B) spins were determined because of

(C) spins was determined through

(D) spin was determined by

(E) spin was determined as a result of

732). The distinctive hereditary tartans
that are alleged to be worn since antiquity by members of the Highland clans were in fact designed by Scottish woolen manufacturers in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

(A) that are alleged to be worn

(B) alleged to have been worn

(C) that are worn, it was alleged

(D) alleged as having been worn

(E) that are worn, allegedly


731). OA - D

A, B, C - incorrect - subject verb agreement - ...
Earth and the other solid planets—Mercury, Venus, and Mars(plural).....spins(singular)

E - incorrect - wordy and unidiomatic. Right idiom is determined by

732). OA - B

A - incorrect - wrong tense

C, D, E - incorrect - unidiomatic - right idiom is alleged to

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